Get from your starting to ending point faster and with less effort than ever before! SlatTrax temporary roads require fewer crew members and less effort than the comparable plastic ground protection mats or plywood sheets.

SlatTrax® temporary roadways can be used on grass, turf fields, sand, and hardscape. For any surface, you can use ground protection mats or plywood – you can use SlatTrax.

Why SlatTrax:

  • Made in the USA.
  • Deploy or retrieve 100′ of roadway in minutes.
  • Reduce the number of crew members per job.
  • Avoid unnecessary injuries and fatigue.
  • Choose between DIY and Hydraulic system options.
  • Eliminate turf damage and customer complaints.
  • Simple and easy to layout, retrieve, and store.



Deploys & retrieves quickly. Drag or Unroll – Don’t Lift & Carry – No more lugging around heavy sheets of plywood or plastic.

Simple Storage

Compact, self-contained systems. Both Pallet and Hydraulic systems free up valuable trailer space.

Increased Productivity

No messing around. Deploy or Retrieve Dual Trax 100′ long sections in less than 2 minutes. Save Time = Increase Profits.

Durable & Long Lasting

Recycled HDPE Plastic is extremely tough and strong. Highly resistant to damage from compression loads.

SlatTrax DIY

Skid loaders, Dingos, Stump Grinders, Bucket Trucks, Excavators, Spider Lift Cranes, Lifts, Tracked & Wheeled equipment up to 40 tons.

Typical Use:
Roadways for equipment and personnel, lawn protection, hardscape protection, rut prevention, work platforms, and staging areas.

This product CAN be used manually or in conjunction with the Hydraulic Powered Systems.

SlatTrax DIY Products

SLT-36-8-12.5-DIY-R36″ Wide, SlatTrax DIY Pallet System36″12.5′100′860 lbs
SLT-42-8-12.5-DIY-R42″ Wide, SlatTrax DIY Pallet System42″12.5′100′980 lbs
SLT-48-8-12.5-DIY-R48″ Wide, SlatTrax DIY Pallet System48″12.5′100′1,120 lbs
Financing is Now Available on all SlatTrax systems!

Contact your DICA representative to learn more: or call us at 800-610-3422

SlatTrax Hydraulic System

Skid loaders, Dingos, Stump Grinders, Bucket Trucks, Excavators, Spider Lift Cranes, Lifts, Tracked & Wheeled equipment up to 40 tons.

Typical Use:
Roadways for equipment and personnel, lawn protection, hardscape protection, rut prevention, work platforms, and staging areas.

Learn About SlatTrax Systems

System Operation Training Video

SlatTrax Hydraulic System Products (Roads Included)

36″ Trax System Adjustable Spread Dual Spool System36″Dual1,050 lbs2,850 lbs
42″ Trax SystemAdjustable Spread Dual Spool System42″Dual1,075 lbs3,155 lbs
48″ Trax SystemSingle Spool System48″Single365 lbs1,476 lbs

Additional SlatTrax Roads for the Hydraulic System

This product is designed for use with the Hydraulic Powered Systems. These are Roadway sections for SlatTrax Hydraulic Systems.

SLT-36-4-25-RF(1) Spool. 36″ Rolled Format Trax for the 36″ Hydraulic System36″25′100′900 lbs
SLT-42-4-25-RF(1) Spool. 42″ Rolled Format Trax for the 42″ Hydraulic System42″25′100′1,040 lbs
SLT-48-8-12.5-RF(1) Spool. 48″ Rolled Format Trax for the 48″ Hydraulic System48″12.5″100′1,120 lbs

See how to load and offload multiple 100′ sections of SlatTrax in minutes.

See how to load and offload multiple 100′ sections of SlatTrax in minutes.


Give us 30 days and we’ll give you 100% of your money back if our products aren’t fit to your specs, performing as promised or convincing you they’re the safest option out there.

We have rented SlatTrax to customers who report great results including one who “would have not gotten the job without SlatTrax”. Another contractor used SlatTrax to cross the corner of marsh-without damaging the environment. We see this product being of value to a wide variety of contractors and utilities.

SlatTrax is a great product – easy to use and versatile. Your product has saved us countless man hours and minimized back strain.

The crew said that it was extremely easy to figure out and add sections as needed. In the pictures, we have 350 LF laid out on site. These are so worth the investment! We appreciate you getting these to us and following up!

SlatTrax was a welcome addition to our site. Since all of our work is done on a golf course, we have to make sure we don’t damage the turf. We deployed SlatTrax to protect the edge of the cart paths and the grass from heavy forklift traffic, and the mats held up great to any and all challenges.

Download the Operators Manual for a comprehensive overview on how to take full advantage of SlatTrax features and benefits.


The original version of SlatTrax was introduced in 2011 and sold to a number of National Cemeteries. In 2016 the new and improved (current) system was introduced. DIY was introduced in 2018.

Rubber-tracked or wheeled equipment is preferred. Steel tracks typically create too much of a point load and should be avoided.

The load-bearing capacity depends on the surface below the Trax. Holes, rocks, debris, etc. may result in damage to the Trax. However individual slat pieces are easily replaced. We see and hear of good results from customers with skid loaders, stump-grinding equipment, bucket trucks, excavators, lifts, and dump trucks generally up to 80,000 lbs.

SlatTrax were designed for roadways (or haul roads) – temporary roads or lanes. Other products can be used for that as well, but for the fastest layout and retrieval as well as stability (all sections easily connected) SlatTrax would be preferred. Unlike other options, the sections of Trax link together for stability and the Grip straps make them easy to handle. The ground can be saved by moving them off of grass overnight to allow turf to breathe. Repair costs are reduced or eliminated entirely. Productivity of crews and reduction of injuries will benefit any operation.

Alturnamats are preferred for random or scattered use of mats such as for felling tree limbs, material staging platforms, under-support for outrigger pads, and support for larger equipment including cranes. We also recommend a combination of mats and SlatTrax for sharper turn cornering – providing a larger covered radius for various vehicles. SlatTrax are not designed for spin turns of skid loaders.

Trax are sold independently. Additional Trax can be handled manually and connected to the SlatTrax attachment as necessary. – either in “rolled” format or directly from pallets of DIY product.

Increasing productivity of work crews results in savings and profitability. The ease of deployment and retrieval of this ground cover shifts focus to the job at hand while reducing the need to repair damaged grounds, ruts, etc. Accessing jobsites on some occasions, when otherwise saturated grounds would prevent that, results in more profitable workdays. Leave the costs of renovations in bids and proposals and pay off the cost of SlatTrax equipment over a few jobs.

Productivity is a key concern when allocation of human resources to projects along with keeping the public satisfied. Avoiding unnecessary time to protect grounds or providing temporary roads for worksite access increases productivity. Eliminating unnecessary ground repairs results in savings on budgets which can otherwise be used for equipment and other more critical needs while making customers and taxpayers happier.

It is not likely that we would be able to demonstrate at your site, but we may be able to refer you to others in your area using our SlatTrax. There are options to consider small purchase quantities of Trax to trial with your equipment and crews.

We offer a one-year warranty on our product which primarily covers equipment issues on our SlatTrax Systems. The Trax themselves may break under normal use; we can’t cover replacement costs of slats when they break due to large holes, tree roots, etc. Normally the sections can still be used in those circumstances, but replacement materials are available for repairs which are easily accomplished by removing fasteners, replacing individual slats, and refastening the strapping to the slats.

When connected as advised, the mass linear weight of SlatTrax helps to keep that roadway in position. Installing a portion of the road over the crest of a hill will help. In some cases, staking the roadway may be necessary using landscape stakes (drill ¾” holes in the road as needed and insert long steel stakes). works well on hillsides and grades, but we’re unable to say how steep is too steep due to the number of variables – humidity, precipitation, tire/track condition, weight, angle, ground conditions, capacity, driver skill etc. If installing SlatTrax on a hillside/grade, staking the road will help keep the roads in place as will the weight of the road itself.

In a hill/grade application, we recommend testing and adjusting the roads as needed until customers see the performance they want.

If the ground surface is bare/muddy, installing landscape fabric first, then the road will prevent mud from adhering to the underside of the road and slowing down retrieval.

Yes, but we’d like to know more about your specific situation and intended use of SlatTrax. We’d like to know your location, equipment you will run on these temporary roads, etc.

SlatTrax DIY

SlatTrax Hydraulic System

SlatTrax In Use


SlatTrax help is one click or call away.

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DICA is a family-owned and operated company that specializes in building high performance engineered outrigger pads, crane pads, cribbing blocks and magnetic sling protectors that are lightweight, easy to use, and long-lasting.

DICA products are proudly Made in the USA, ASME B30.5 compliant and used by operators on all seven continents and 50+ countries around the world.


Contact Us

Toll Free: 800-610-3422

Company Headquarters
4101 120th St.
Urbandale, IA 50323